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Read our latest blogs:
Stuart Koman ’76 Discusses Challenges Faced by Patients with Eating Disorders
Trinity College’s Science for the Greater Good series, now in its fifth year, recently welcomed its latest alumnus speaker, Stuart Koman ’76, the founding president and CEO of Waltham, Massachusetts-based Walden Behavioral Care, Inc.
7 Reasons to Say “No” to Celebrity Diets (and Diets in General)
It’s undeniable that diets can offer appeal and intrigue, promising to make us look and feel good in short amounts of time. What they don't address in their annoying little sales pitches is that they actually can be quite dangerous, and most often don't work.
New Haven College Hosts Program on Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are centered around negative body images. But artistic images, generated by those who suffer from eating disorders, can have a healing power. That was the message delivered Friday night at Albertus Magnus College, which hosted a program and art exhibition on “The Images of Eating Disorders.”