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Read our latest blogs:
Trauma and Eating Disorders: Why do They Commonly Co-Occur
Sometimes, when an individual presents with co-morbid conditions, it is important to take into consideration the function of the eating disorder. While eating disordered behaviors can help individuals with trauma to avoid or escape uncomfortable feelings or flashbacks in the moment, using these maladaptive behaviors perpetuate the cycle of distress long-term.
I Don’t Have Insurance: How Can I Get Eating Disorder Treatment?
While I can’t promise that the recommendations below will work in each varying circumstance, I’ve put together a few suggestions that have worked in the past to provide individuals with life-saving treatment when insurance becomes an obstacle.
How to Balance Eating Disorder Treatment with Other Priorities
A large part of my work with individuals in program is helping them to understand the importance of making recovery a priority while also practicing balance. Here are 3 tips to help manage eating disorder treatment with other life responsibilities.