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Read our latest blogs:
What You Need to Know About Weight and Eating Disorder Treatment
In my work with individuals with eating disorders, it is inevitable that discussions around weight are going to come up. While we want to de-emphasize the importance of weight and shape, it is important - as dietitians and members of a treatment team- to be aware of weight as a way to determine health and optimal functioning. Here are some ways that providers can tackle this uncomfortable subject with their clients living with eating disorders.
Do I Have Orthorexia? 5 Questions To Ask
Do you find yourself spending a lot of time thinking about your food intake and diet? Are you preoccupied with the source of the food you consume? Does it have to be organic, non-processed and /or farm to table? You could be experiencing orthorexia - an extreme fixation on healthy eating and healthy lifestyle practices that gets in the way of healthy psychological and medical functioning.
6 Differences Between Picky Eating and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
Picky eating and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder can have many similarities - which can make it very difficult for caregivers and providers to understand when medical and/or psychological intervention is appropriate. Here are some marked differences in both conditions, which can help to diagnose ARFID so that individuals can get the necessary support.