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Read our latest blogs:
Actually, Bill Maher, Fat Shaming Won’t Make Bodies Smaller
"The truth is, fat shaming only does one thing, and that is, promote shame. And shame leads to depression, anxiety, and other self-destructive behaviors, including overeating."
Suicide Prevention: We Can Do Better
In honor of National Suicide Prevention Week, it is important for us to take a closer look at our prevention efforts. What we’re currently trying, simply isn’t sufficient. We need to forge a fundamental change in how we address the second leading cause of death in those aged 15 to 34.
What We’re Reading: Hunger by Roxane Gay
In case you are pressed for time, I will keep this short and sweet: Hunger is worth the investment of time. It is a difficult book - challenging in ways you would expect when written by an “intersectional” and marginalized woman. I can honestly say that I have become a better and more enlightened person for having the opportunity to learn more about her life.