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Special Topics

3 Ways to Embody Eating Disorder Prevention

While we know that eating disorders can develop from interplay of biological, psychological and environmental factors that are often beyond our control, there are many risk factors that we can actively work to minimize - and even prevent in our everyday encounters.

Eating Disorders and Self-Harm

Self-injurious behavior, including eating disorders, can often leave people feeling isolated and experiencing feelings of shame and guilt. Here is some information about how these two conditions are connected.

Trauma and Eating Disorders: Why do They Commonly Co-Occur

Sometimes, when an individual presents with co-morbid conditions, it is important to take into consideration the function of the eating disorder. While eating disordered behaviors can help individuals with trauma to avoid or escape uncomfortable feelings or flashbacks in the moment, using these maladaptive behaviors perpetuate the cycle of distress long-term.

Eating Disorders and OCD: A Complicated Mix

Understanding the similarities and differences between eating disorders and OCD can help providers develop a more comprehensive understanding of a client’s presentation and can also inform treatment interventions.