By Hector Molina
February 25, 2021
CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) – As part of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, 22News spoke with a local resident and caregiver.
Brimfield resident Miranda Snyder and a representative from Walden Behavioral Care in Dedham discussed the importance of speaking up and asking questions when it comes to addressing eating disorders.
“I’ve always, firmly believed in the power of sharing one’s personal experience for advocacy, teaching, and insight,” said Snyder.
“If we aren’t curious and don’t ask questions, we won’t be able to create the safe space where people feel like they can talk about it,” said Rebekah Bardwell-Doweyko, assistant VP of Clinical Operations at Walden Behavioral Care.
Read more and watch the full interview via WWLP >>