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FAQs for Professionals
What states can patients access virtual eating disorder programs?
Walden offers virtual partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient virtual treatment for patients residing in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Road Island, and Vermont. Walden offers only intensive outpatient virtual treatment for patients residing in Alabama, Louisiana, and Maine. We offer Rainbow Road intensive outpatient virtual treatment for adults in the LGBTQ+ community who reside in Minnesota.
What labs and other information does my patient need to have done as part of the admissions process?
Please reference our Medical Evaluation Form for the labs and information we request for admission.
Where should my client get their labs drawn and is the cost of labs included in the evaluation?
We strongly recommend that your client have their labs drawn 48-24 hours prior to their evaluation, through Quest Diagnostics, their primary care physician, or a hospital. Having lab results prior to evaluation shortens the wait time for determining your client’s level of care. Completed labs can be faxed to 781-827-3874.
**Please be aware that the cost of their labs is not included in the cost of the evaluation. Depending on their insurance, the coverage of tests may vary depending on if they are completed through their primary care physician or an independent lab. If your client has questions about their coverage and potential cost, please have them contact their insurer and the office completing their lab work.
Is inpatient treatment the same as residential treatment?
No. Walden’s Inpatient Eating Disorders Units are our most intensive level of care. At this hospital level of care, our main goal is to stabilize patients. This requires that we continuously monitor vital signs and provide 24-hour nursing supervision. Occasionally, nasogastric tube feeding is needed to prevent further deterioration of the patient’s condition.
At the adult residential level of care, patients are still medically monitored, but the focus of treatment is to gradually transfer the responsibility of recovery to the individuals themselves as they directly experience and relearn healthy attitudes and behaviors with food.
At the adolescent residential level, the program incorporates key aspects of family-based treatment that has been shown to be the most effective treatment for adolescents with eating disorders. For this reason, at this level of care, teens and families participate in a continuous program throughout the stay. The program is designed to promote the development of individual skills and family structure, to provide a safe environment at home, and to allow for additional after-care services that continue the remaining therapeutic work.
What age ranges do you treat?
Individuals ages 11 and above in most programs and 10 and above at our ARFID IOP. In some cases, we may apply for a waiver if an individual is under the age of 11, and we deem them appropriate for one of our programs.